By Meron
Yesterday, when Johan told us what we were going to do for the day, I just asked him, “Is it possible to cry”? Ha ha…”yes, as much as you can’… he answered.
Here it is. Today we come to face our fears and move from our comfort zones. Our journey to the high ropes was full of excitement. We even played some Spanish music that could give us some courage…It was Mary’s choice.
The moment we arrived, ‘wow’, ‘oh’, ‘oh my God’ was the common words every person used. Then the host team tried to motivate us. We sat down and were given instructions from Johan and he told us that the perspective of seeing things when we are up there is quite different from when we are down here – my “Aha” moment.
Thanks to the birthday girl that took the first BOLD step…next…next… then here it comes my turn to climb up to the height that was three or more times higher than I thought or imagined. I climbed up a ladder, walked on the hanging logs, the Pretoria bridge, and the beam. Imagine me depending only on a single rope, which helped me to keep my balance and walk through the three challenging paths. “Wow” moment …Johan, Did I really do it? Yip, Meron, you did it.
“It is possible,” Francis said after accomplishing the challenge
“Solidarity”, Cisse uttered after he was done
“Promise of my four wives”, Ali demanded from Hamda
It was not only me but all the 21st ANLP team who did it.
Constructive instruction, motivation and solidarity made us winners of our mindset and gave us all the start to move on forward.