What impact does the ANLP have?

The following quotes illustrate some of the areas of impact the ANLP has

“I can see the impact and influence I am having, not only at work, it has affected every area of my life.”

“My ambition changed to wanting to do regional and international work and now I am happy that I am into the regional realm.”

“I can easily identify ANLP as one of the biggest moments of change of my life.  The ANLP gave me the insurance that if I am confident enough and brave enough to take out of me all I can do, I can go very far.  I found out how to be creative, how to turn problems into opportunities.”

“Before ANLP I didn’t really see myself taking on leadership responsibilities.”

What do participants experience?

Watch this video to see and listen to what participants experience during the 10-day ANLP.

When participants were asked to describe their ANLP experience in words this is what they say: